2024 Bitcoin Conference

We just returned from the 2024 Bitcoin Conference in Nashville,TN. It was an incredible time of learning from industry leaders and engaging with other like-minded people who know the world changing value of Bitcoin. Doug even won 10,000 SATS in a dead hanging contest!

As you can see from the picture, there was a HUGE political presence this year. This means that politicians and pundits are waking up to the fact that Bitcoin is here to stay and that the community is huge (over 60 million Americans own Bitcoin) and therefore worth speaking to and hearing from.

We loved connecting with other Bitcoiners at the conference who are also into health freedom. Bitcoiners and the health freedom space overlap because both are believers in self-sovereignty. Food sovereignty, health sovereignty, and financial sovereignty.

It was also incredible to walk the Expo area and to see how much innovation and brain power is being used in the Bitcoin community. Everyone is of one mind and purpose and are using their resources and intelligence to give people across the globe a chance to be self-sovereign and have access to perfect money, even the poorest communities on the planet. It was a huge breath of fresh air!

Many people ask us: What is Bitcoin?

Well… Bitcoin is money. But the more you dive deep into the world of Bitcoin, the more you realize that it is so much more than just money


Bitcoin is freedom. 


We’re not going to take the time here to explain how Bitcoin works. If you want to “follow the white rabbit” (IYKYK) you can read some great books on the subject, like Thank God for Bitcoin or The Bitcoin Standard. And please, don’t think that Bitcoin is the same as crypto - IT IS NOT. NOT AT ALL.


What we can tell you is this: Bitcoin is unlike any money that has ever existed.

Bitcoin is: 



And Practically Indestructible.

There are only 21 million Bitcoin that can ever be mined. That means that it can never be “printed” by governments to give themselves more and thus reduce your purchasing power. Inflation-proof.


It is not controlled by any individual, government or entity. Because Bitcoin lives on a blockchain that is spread out and verified by millions of nodes across the globe, it can never be placed under anyone’s power.


And as long as you retain your keys and self-custody your own Bitcoin, no one can EVER take it away from you. 

Taking control away from the government and putting the control in your hands. 


Just like what we want for your health.


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