A Primer on One of God’s Perfect Foods
Today’s post is all about liquid wheatgrass.
Don’t you love that smell as you walk into your favorite juice bar? The smell of liquified GRASS that the people behind the counter are just so eager to sell you. No. No one loves that smell. Alarms go off in our head when we smell it, because our bodies were not designed to nor do they have the ability to digest grass. And I’m sorry friends, but wheatgrass is still grass.
But guess what organism CAN digest wheatgrass very well?
That’s exactly what raw milk is: liquid wheatgrass, already digested and turned into a delicious form that humans can quickly absorb. And cows are able to make a LOT of it, way more than they need for their calves. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Notice I said “raw milk.” What is raw milk? Raw milk is straight from the cow. It is milked, stored and then delivered. It has not been altered or changed in any way. It has not been heated, pressurized or treated. It is true milk, the way God intended.
That liquid that is sold to you in stores with the label “milk”? That’s dead white liquid.
It is dead because it has been heated beyond boiling to temperatures of 230 degrees (pasteurization), killing every beneficial microorganism, destroying important enzymes, denaturing proteins into harmful forms and degrading essential vitamins.
After this process it is even more damaged when the valuable fats are crushed and smashed beyond repair (homogenization), just so you aren’t offended by seeing the cream top on your preferred brand.
Then, because this resulting product is now thin, blue, smelly and unappetizing, the laboratories go to work again. They add man-made vitamin fillers to this liquid to get their numbers back up, and spray-dried milk fillers (even more degraded) to get rid of the blue color.
Dead white liquid.
I know many of you are going to say that you or someone you know are “lactose-intolerant.” But I have read a better term for it that’s called: “pasteurization-intolerant.” Raw milk contains the enzyme lactase, and lactase breaks down lactose (the sugar in milk). Pasteurization destroys ALL enzymes in milk, including lactase, which is why you have become intolerant.
Let me ask you a simple question: how do the babies on earth drink breastmilk and thrive? The only sugar in breast milk is lactose. It’s because breastmilk is raw and contains all the necessary enzymes to digest itself.
Some of you will say you can’t handle certain animal milk proteins, and that may be true for a small number of people. But most who claim this have bodies that are simply reacting again to the pasteurization, which also destroys milk proteins, degrading them into forms that can be damaging to the gut, liver and brain. So blame the horrible processing, not the FOOD.
The solution is definitely NOT to switch to seed and grain “milks.” I have told you over and over to remove seed oils from your diet - do you think seed (almond, soy) MILK is any better? No. It is not. When you think about how many seeds were squeezed to get your one cup of “milk,” it’s pretty disgusting, plus all of the fillers they have to add to provide texture and taste.
All to emulate one of God’s perfect foods.
Both of my boys have drunk only raw milk since they were six weeks old. I believe in it strongly for children. One time when our oldest son was around 6 months old we were on a cruise and were not able to bring raw milk with us, so on one occasion I filled his cup with their milk since he was missing it so much - he took one sip and threw the cup across the table at me… Even then he knew it was disgusting and NOT FOOD.
Here is just a short list of wonderful things contained in clean, fresh, full fat and unprocessed raw milk:
Vitamin C, Calcium, Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Iron, Minerals, Vitamin B2
Milk fat containing all 18 fatty acids crucial to developing brains, immune systems, metabolic function, and intestinal walls
Milk proteins containing all 20 standard amino acids and all 8 essential ones
Carbohydrates that don’t spike insulin and contribute to the health of the gut microbiome
All 22 essential minerals and a special enzyme for each to allow them to be completely absorbed
60 functional enzymes
Beneficial bacteria
Sounds like the perfect food, especially for your children.
Pasteurization maims or completely destroys every single one of these.
Real milk is RAW MILK. Not dead white liquid.
I understand that many of you are under the impression that pasteurized milk is safer. But let me caution you. Do you really still believe that the government wants what is best and most healthy for you? Or rather what is best for the corporations that want to sell you cheap goods?
Think about this: What is required for clean, fresh raw milk?
A loving and caring farmer.
Acres and acres of green grass.
Careful milking, storage procedures, testing and temperature controls.
A safe environment for maintaining happy cows.
Does that sound super profitable to you? Big Dairy has no use for this. Big Dairy has to put out as much product as possible, as cheaply as possible, in order to pay off their CEOs and lobbyists. Happy cows have no role in this process.
Their cows are miserable. Plus, Big Dairy doesn’t care if pus, bacteria, feces, or hair gets into their milk. They are going to effectively sterilize it and strain it anyway, and add back enough fake stuff to fool you.
There are plenty of small dairy farmers producing raw milk, and I hope you can find one in your area. Look for them here. In many states you can even buy it in stores.
But go beyond just this list. Find farmers and then call and interview them. Make sure they are treating the cows well, testing regularly, and that the storage for their milk is top-notch. Ask them questions and don’t assume anything. Your family’s health is your biggest priority and raw milk can make a huge impact on everyone’s well-being. It’s worth it to go the extra mile.
When you choose your personal small dairy farmer, make sure you treat them like family. Support them in every way you can. They are playing a huge role in your family’s health, and deserve your love and support.