Essential Supplements for Growing Kids

Building Strong Bodies!

When I was a kid nutrition was rarely, if ever, spoken about. My siblings and I were tossed a few Flintstones chewables and fed whatever was convenient. Most of us naively assumed that whatever we were told was “food” was actually “food,” and somehow our bodies were able to get every single thing it needed from this material.
(It’s magic! Don’t ask questions!)

Today we know different. At least, I hope we do!
(If you don’t, check out
this post!)

It is practically impossible to get everything your body needs from food alone. Even if you are eating the most impeccably-raised regenerative farm-based animals, the cleanest most organic fruits, untarnished raw diary, and raw honey from the most pristine bees on the planet, it is still unlikely that you are getting all the minerals, vitamins, and other compounds you need for a healthy body. 

There are multiple reasons for this.

One, if you live in America, your environment is actively poisoning you. There is no way to avoid it. It is in all the air and all the water. So you require much higher amounts of nutrients to deal with this than what is in the food you eat. 

Two, because of land misuse and non-regenerative methods of farming, our soil does not contain the amounts of minerals and other beneficial compounds that it once used to. The animals that eat the grass growing in this soil can only absorb what is there. These animals require certain amounts of minerals to maintain their own health and own levels of vitamins, which are not being met. Therefore, when you eat these foods, you are not eating the amounts that you require. It is a vicious cycle.

Third, as much as we love the animal-based diet and think it is the best for thriving humans, there is just no way that most people can eat enough to make up for this shortfall in nutrients. To do so would probably require most people to eat more food then they need, which causes a host of other problems. 


We all need supplements. And especially our children, which is what we want to focus on today.

Every morning before school, our kids take the following:

Freeze-Dried Beef Organs

Organs sourced from high-quality grass-fed beef are your child’s multivitamin. High in pre-formed Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, CoQ10, bio-available Heme-Iron, Selenium, enzymes, plus countless other vitamins and minerals, freeze-dried beef organs should be the center of your child’s supplement stack. Any kid over 10 can take the entire 6 capsule dosage. Younger kids can be adjusted accordingly.


Important to the body neurologically and helping to maintain a calm and focused mind, magnesium is key to a well-developed child. Aiding the body in dealing with stress and anxiety, as well as supporting an optimal metabolism, magnesium is the number one mineral everyone should take. 

Cod liver oil

The best source of retinol (pre-formed Vitamin A) on the planet, cod liver oil has been around as a supplement for centuries, even fed to infants in ancient times. It is truly the most “ancestral” supplement there is, and retinol is vital to the iron-recycling system as well as maintaining a healthy liver. It is crucial to the mitochondria, which makes it doubly crucial for the eyes and heart, where the mitochondria reign supreme.

Freeze-Dried Oyster

Containing small amounts of minerals such as copper, selenium, iodine, and zinc, plus almost all the trace minerals in virtually the exact ratio our cells need, oyster is the perfect bonus for your kids to maintain their energy levels and organ function.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is the best weapon against EMF radiation you can find in supplement form. It will probably surprise you to learn that it helps the body maintain correct calcium channels and deal with fluctuating electromagnetic fields, as well as deal with viral and bacterial attacks.

Ion Biome

Protecting the gut by helping to maintain its tight junctions, this product will help shield the body from absorbing glyphosate (which is in our air, water and food). It fights leaky gut, and contains redox signaling molecules that will restore the communication network of your gut biome.

Organic Sulfur

Another incredibly important mineral, sulfur used to be in our soil and absorbed through our food and water, but now it is quite deficient in our environment. Creating cholesterol sulphate is one of the most important mechanisms in the body for heart and vascular health. Sulfur is also an important mineral for the liver’s detox functions.

As active growing boys, they also consume these several times a week:

Grass-fed whey protein

  • Promotes muscle growth, supports bone density, speeds recovery


  • Strengthens joints, supports bones and tendons, lowers inflammation


  • Supports energy production, brain function and cell hydration


  • For hydration, especially during exercise and the summer heat

Make sure your kids are eating a healthy, animal-based diet, but don’t stop there. Strongly consider giving them these nutrients that they need to build strong, resilient bodies.

Until next time- stay well!


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