Navigating the Pathways of Immunity

Fall is just around the corner, and that means flu season is also approaching. So, it’s a good time to think about our immune system and nourishing our bodies to withstand whatever comes our way. 

Our immune system is a delicate and intricate balance of pathways that work together to support and protect the body. It requires nutrients like vitamins and minerals to work properly, and it is greatly affected by the metabolism and inflammatory pathways. It works hard to maintain a homeostasis in the body no matter what it is exposed to, and If you are not metabolically flexible or are over-exposing yourself to toxins, your immune system is unable to function properly.

Toxins (physical, biological or spiritual) only serve to break down and hinder this complicated process. Some toxins cannot be avoided, but many CAN. Do your best to eat organic whole foods from healthy grass-fed animals, fresh fruits, fermented foods for your gut and raw dairy from happy cows. Throw out the processed foods. Filter your water. Avoid any unnecessary pharmaceuticals. Spend time breathing deeply outside and in the sun to reduce stress. Take a walk. Pray. Listen to music. Enjoy your family and loved ones instead of staring at a screen.

However, if you do all the above and don’t have your metabolism under control, you harbor a raging fire that is not only causing serious harm to your immune system, but also will inhibit it from doing its job when you are exposed to a pathogen. So you must address your metabolism and what you are eating. That must be a priority! Concentrate on feeding your immune system properly with an animal-based diet centered around healthy grass-fed animals, fermented foods, corn and soy free eggs, raw dairy, and seasonal fruits.

Here are the supplements that we believe
can best support the immune system:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Take 1000 mg 3 times a day (when you are ill, you can take 1000+mg every hour). Vit C not only helps the immune system fight off attackers, it helps mitigate toxic exposure to EMFs as well.


Vitamin D
Get your levels checked, but most people are not getting enough Vitamin D.


You can take 50 mg when you are sick, but a daily dose of 15 mg is good.


A flavonoid that is anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory, read more details here, take 500 mg twice a day. Get a supplement like this one with bromelain (an enzyme) to help with allergies.


A mineral that aids in liver detox, and helps your body keep a balanced histamine response.


NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Helps break up mucus, supports the liver and detox, and helps the body to make glutathione, your most important antioxidant. 

Take the below when you are sick! (In addition to the above)


Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide

Get a desktop nebulizer like this one. You will need 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide and normal saline. In a clean glass jar, mix 250 ml saline with 3 ml of the 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can also add a drop of 5% Lugol’s Solution (iodine). Store this solution in your fridge. Nebulize at least 3x a day for 20 minutes, breathing deeply through your nose and lungs. This is also perfect for kids, and most nebulizers come with a kid-sized attachment.



Prepare a mug of hot filtered water and add 2 drops each of peppermint essential oil, tea tree essential oil, oregano essential oil, and lemon essential oil. Breathe deeply until it cools down.


Heat therapy

For sinus pain, use a facial heating pad like this one to soothe and release tension around your sinus cavities. 



This remedy from Boiron to reduce the length of illness is exceptional - Take a shot 3 x a day.


Chestal Honey

Another safe remedy from Boiron for cough. Highly recommend that you have this on hand.

Betadine Gargle

This is perfect for sore throat pain and colds. Because it has iodine in it, it will wash away viral and bacterial particles. Do it at the first sign of illness.

Gargle Away

Junk and mucus in your throat is not fun. This product is very productive to clear it away and is great for singers and speakers. Try this one for the throat or this one specifically for mucus.


These cough drops are soothing for the throat and will help tremendously with endurance for singers and speakers.

Throat Coat Tea

The slippery elm in this tea works wonders for the throat!

Elderberry with honey

Give your kids a dose of this every day during cold and flu season! This version has honey, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar in it, all amazing for immunity.

Until next time... Be well!

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