Benefits of the Beach!

There’s nothing like being at the beach.

The mineral-rich air, the grounding sand between your toes, the soothing sound of waves crashing and salt water soaks, the sunshine, and the red light at sunrise and sunset.

All of these promote health and balance, and it’s no wonder people flock to the beach when they need to relieve stress, either emotionally or physically. 

Being so in tune with creation and its daily rhythms is a calming balm to our bodies at the cellular level. Similar to being out in the woods, the human body feels “at home” and it naturally optimizes and relaxes.

If you are feeling highly stressed and tense, get outside and breathe, lay in the sun, put your bare feet on the earth, or watch a sunrise or sunset.

It might not be the same as the beach, but it will do you enormous good!


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