Season of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time for…. well… giving thanks.

It is so important to have gratitude in your life. Every day on this earth is a gift, and I hope you find the time to reflect on all that has been given to you, especially during this season. Even during times of struggle and trial, there are always blessings that can be named and counted. The very breath you took while reading this simple post is a sign that you still have a beating heart and thus a life worth living.

So as you gaze at the fall colors, breathe the crisp air or taste the pumpkin spice, remember to thank your Creator for another day to live. Be a blessing to others and try to contribute in a positive way this fall to the community around you. And hold your family and loved ones tight, and thank God for their presence in your life.

Just these simple acts will naturally reduce your internal stress levels, lower your blood pressure and calm your mind. Gratitude will combat anxiety in ways that can’t be explained.

The above graphic is taken from an article on gratitude, which you can read to see all the things that gratitude can accomplish neurologically in the brain. As you can see, it is something that you want to practice daily, not just during the Thanksgiving season! Read here about the latest scientific research on gratitude and its effects. 

How do we practice gratitude in our home? By thanking God daily for the healthy food we are able to buy. We thank God for the farmers that provide our meat, for the cows that provide our milk, cream and cheese, for the chickens that provide our eggs, and for the businesses we own that provide money that allow us to purchase and support all these small companies we love and are so grateful for. 

By modeling gratefulness in our lives, we teach our boys to thank each other for being helpful, to be grateful they have each other (even when they don’t always feel that way…) and to show others they are thankful for them.

You can also practice gratitude by journaling and getting your thoughts on paper. This will serve two purposes; one, you will be surprised at all the wonderful things you have to be thankful for, and two, you will have it written down to refer back to when you need a reminder!

Some other ways to increase gratitude in your life can be found here and here. You will be amazed at how adding more gratitude in your life can completely change it!


It’s the most wonderful time of the year again!


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