What do regular sunlight and joyful movement have in common?
Did you eat cereal as a kid? “Fortified” breads, crackers, or pasta? Foods made with “enriched” flours? All of these items can have up to 9 different kinds of iron added to them, usually in a form that is essentially the same as eating iron filings.
Have you had a doctor tell you that you are anemic? Be careful. Unless they have tested a full iron panel (see Full Monty test here), they really don’t know what is going on with you. And even then, there are really no good tests to see if you have iron overload in your tissues. All blood tests are just that - measuring iron in the blood - and if your iron recycling system is stuck, your iron WILL be low in your blood, because it is all trapped in your tissues. Your doctor will prescribe an iron supplement, which might be the very LAST thing you need.
You may not have a lack of iron, but a lack of functional iron.
What do you need?
More copper.
More magnesium and retinol, more minerals like boron and iodine that will facilitate and activate your recycling system. Getting iron out of the tissues, where it is oxidizing and causing inflammation and pain, and back in your blood and bone marrow, where it does a very important job.
The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) will help you do just that.
We have covered all the STOPS and STARTS Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3. Today we will cover what Morley calls in his book: PHASE X.
PHASE X: Deeper Support
14. START Donating blood
15. START Managing histamine levels/reactions
16. START Releasing emotional stress
17. START Strengthening the bioenergetic field
18. START Getting regular sunlight
19. START Doing joyful movement
Morley has learned that these are each incredibly important, and will enhance your results as you go through the RCP, and has witnessed this himself in thousands of people. Doing them will release blocks in your body to the beneficial effects of the RCP nutrients.
14. Each time you donate blood, you get rid of up to 250 mg of iron. This will jump start your recycling system, as your body ramps up the production of healthy new blood cells. Your immune system and metabolism is revitalized, your liver function is improved, and your blood flows better. Plus you are helping to save lives in the process. Morley recommends that men and post-menopausal women donate blood every three months. Women who are still cycling should donate twice a year. We recommend that you get your Full Monty panel done first, and make sure your hemoglobin levels are adequate before donation. Not all people need to donate blood multiple times a year. Make sure you keep an eye on your iron stores through bloodwork. The last thing you want is to become iron deficient. Sometimes the body needs more time to repair the iron recycling mechanism, and get blood back into rotation. You will shock the body if you reduce your iron stores too quickly.
15. Morley has seen a good response to allergens by using NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique). This is a powerful technique utilized by practitioners across the globe, based on some of the principles of acupuncture and chiropractic. You can find a local practitioner by going to this website. Another method Morley recommends is Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT). You can find more info here.
16. I have heard about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for years and have read about how powerful it can work to release stress and unresolved “out of control” emotions. It works by releasing “cellular memories” of trauma that we have experienced. Our cells record stimuli and our reactions to them as a way to protect from further harm. Unfortunately, these can be distorted or out of proportion to the real world, and iron overload makes it worse. You should use a practitioner for EFT (developed by Gary Craig), and there are various websites and videos online.
17. Do your best to avoid blue light exposure at night. Get some blue light blocking glasses and wear them at sunset until bed. Filter your screens to reduce blue and green wavelengths at night using software like Flux or Iris. Use red lights in your home that you can turn on during the evening. Our lamps on our bedroom nightstands and the ceiling light in our bathrooms, and all our nightlights for the hallways are all red bulbs. When the sun goes down, all the regular lights in these areas are shut off and the red lights are turned on. It is extremely soothing for the entire family and gets our brains ready for bed. Also, red light lamps are wonderful to reduce stress and enhance your skin health, and you can use them throughout the day.
18. We have talked about the importance of sunlight before, but Morley breaks it down into 2 key activation events:
1. The synthesis of vitamin D
2. The breakdown of vitamin A (retinol) into a “network of retinoids of retinoids acids, and a wide spectrum of nuclear receptors…that support the functions of our nuclei transactions.
We are “light beings.” Daily sunlight exposure is absolutely critical for every human being. Try to get outside in nature for at least 20-30 minutes a day with as much skin exposed as you can (no sunscreen, obviously). Just the sunlight hitting your eyes (without glasses or contacts) will do incredible things not only for your eyes, but for your mood and your sleep. If you can, at the same time get your toes in the grass.
19. As we have talked about before, movement is critical to your health. Our bodies are designed for DAILY physical activity. But you should do things that you enjoy. It shouldn’t be a complete soul-sucking drudgery. Some types of “joyful movement” could be walking, hiking, swimming, bicycling, or even gardening. The benefits from incorporating these in your life are immeasurable. One of our favorites is taking our dog for a walk each evening after dinner. Not only does it aid in digestion, lower blood sugar response from the meal, but it is nice to get outside and breathe the fresh air, and spend time with each other without distractions.
Well, there you have it! We have completely covered Morley’s RCP. For more details and help, I highly recommend you go here and read through all of the online materials, updates and recommendations.
Want to listen to Morley on some podcasts? Check these out:
The MitoLife Podcast episode and this episode
Wise Traditions episode
Extreme Health Radio episode and this episode
We will continue to explore the effects that copper and other minerals have on the body and how important they are for optimal health.
Copper is key.
And you are probably deficient (no matter what your blood test or your doctor tells you).
More on that in the coming weeks.