Our Top Ten Recommended Health Resolutions for 2023
We hope that your year is off to a great start!
Like many, you may have set resolutions that involve eating better, losing some holiday weight gain, or simply getting in shape. Or maybe you are just interested in getting a jump start on advancing your well-being but don’t know where to start.
Here are some great basic steps that anyone can take to make dramatic improvements to their health:
1. Eliminate ALL seed oils from your diet (more on that here, here and here)
2. Intermittent fast / use a compressed eating window.
3. Make sure that you are drinking enough water each day, and add salt / electrolytes for hydration
(get them here or here)
4. Consume at least 1g protein per pound of bodyweight daily.
5. Eat an animal-based diet.
6. Move daily - go for more walks, especially after meals or extended periods of sitting.
7. Strength train 2-3 times per week.
8. Make sure you are getting enough good quality sleep (post on this coming soon!)
9. Get out in the sun!
10. Start taking Beef Liver (get it here)
Could 2023 be the year of transformation for your health?
Only YOU can make it happen.